Restore & Reprint Damaged Wallpapers

Trying to reprint a damaged wallpaper? We’re here to make your renovation journey a whole lot smoother, taking the stress and guesswork out of restoration so you can focus on the bigger picture of your renovation project.

  • Repair & Erase Damage from Water, Mold, Age or Sun Exposure
  • Renovation-Ready: Seamless integration into your project, saving time
  • Live Previews: See a printed sample on your chosen material
  • Preserve the Aesthetic: Maintain your wallpaper’s unique character


Old, Torn & Faded


New, Clean & Vibrant

Revive Your Wall Decor

Whether you’re repairing a roof leak or renovating your walls,
we can help bring your wallpaper back to its former glory.

Mold & Water Damage

Get rid of those pesky water lines and black spots forever

Sun Exposure

Restore colors which have been faded or burned from exposure

Rips, Scratches & Tears

Get rid of those pesky water lines and black spots forever

Missing Pieces

Fill in the gaps with our premium pattern recreation service


Water Damage from Leaks or Flooding

Identifying and Assessing Water Damage

Water damage to wallpaper can present as stains, peeling, or bubbling, often resulting from leaks or flooding. Prompt identification of the water source is crucial to mitigate further damage. Key signs include discoloration, wallpaper detachment, and a damp texture. It's important to assess the extent of the damage to determine whether the wallpaper can be salvaged or needs replacement.

Repair and Restoration Strategies for Water Damage

For minor water damage, carefully drying out the area and using a wallpaper adhesive to reattach loose sections can be effective. In cases where the wallpaper is extensively damaged, such as significant peeling or large water stains, complete removal and replacement might be necessary. When replacing wallpaper in areas prone to water exposure, consider using vinyl or other water-resistant wallpapers, and ensure proper ventilation to prevent future damage.

Mold and Mildew Growth

Recognizing Mold on Wallpaper

Mold growth on wallpaper is a common issue in humid environments and can be identified by its distinct musty odor and visible growth patterns. These can range from black or green spots to larger patches of fuzzy growth. Mold not only damages the wallpaper aesthetically but can also pose health risks, making early detection and treatment crucial.

Effective Mold Remediation and Prevention

Addressing mold on wallpaper involves more than just surface treatment. It's essential to identify and rectify the source of moisture contributing to mold growth. In cases of minor mold, cleaning with a mildew-resistant cleaner might suffice. However, extensive mold damage often requires the removal of affected wallpaper sections. When replacing or installing new wallpaper in areas prone to moisture, consider mold-resistant wallpapers and adhesives. Additionally, maintaining good air circulation and controlling humidity levels in the room can prevent future mold growth.


Pet Damage

Identifying and Assessing Pet-Related Wallpaper Damage

Pets, especially cats and dogs, can cause various types of damage to wallpaper, including scratches, tears, and stains. Identifying this damage involves looking for visible marks, such as claw scratches or bite marks, often found at pet height. Stains might also be present, especially near pet feeding areas or litter boxes. Assessing the extent of the damage is crucial to determine the appropriate repair method.

Repairing and Protecting Wallpaper from Pets

For minor scratches or small tears, adhesive wallpaper patches can be an effective solution. In cases of significant damage, replacing sections of the wallpaper might be necessary. To protect wallpaper from future pet damage, consider using more durable, scratch-resistant wallpaper materials in areas accessible to pets. Additionally, training pets and providing them with appropriate scratching posts or toys can help redirect their natural behaviors away from the wallpaper.

Sunlight Exposure

Understanding the Impact of Sunlight on Wallpaper

Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause wallpaper to fade or discolor over time. This is particularly noticeable in rooms with large windows or skylights where sunlight directly hits the walls. The degree of fading often depends on the type of wallpaper and the pigments used in its design. Identifying this issue involves observing color changes or uneven fading in areas exposed to sunlight.

Mitigating Sunlight Damage with Durable Wallpaper

To reduce the impact of sunlight on wallpaper, consider installing UV-blocking window films or using window treatments like blinds or curtains to control light exposure. When selecting wallpaper for sun-exposed rooms, opt for products specifically designed to resist fading. Wallpapers with UV-resistant inks/coatings or darker colors that are less prone to noticeable fading are ideal choices. Regularly rotating furniture and decor can also help prevent uneven fading on the wallpaper.


Physical Wear & Tear

Recognizing Signs of Wear and Tear in Wallpaper

Physical wear and tear on wallpaper can manifest as scuffs, scratches, or gradual thinning, especially in high-traffic areas of a home or commercial space. This type of damage is often seen near doorways, hallways, or children's play areas. Regular inspection can help identify areas where the wallpaper has lost its integrity or aesthetic appeal due to daily activities.

Addressing and Preventing Wallpaper Deterioration

For minor scuffs or marks, gentle cleaning with a soft, damp cloth can often restore the wallpaper's appearance. In cases of more significant damage, such as deep scratches or tears, patching or substituting sections of the wallpaper may be necessary. To prevent future wear and tear, consider using high-quality, durable wallpaper materials in areas prone to physical contact. Additionally, placing protective elements like chair rails or using furniture strategically to shield walls can help minimize direct impact and prolong the life of the wallpaper.

Smoke or Fire Damage

Identifying Smoke and Fire Damage on Wallpaper

Smoke or minor fire incidents can leave behind soot, ash, or discoloration on wallpaper. This type of damage is often characterized by a smoky odor and darkened areas on the wallpaper surface. In the case of fire, the damage may also include charring or bubbling of the wallpaper. It's important to assess the extent of the damage to determine if the wallpaper can be salvaged.

Restoration and Replacement Strategies

For light smoke damage, cleaning with a soot-removing sponge or a mild detergent can sometimes restore the wallpaper's appearance. However, in cases of heavy soot accumulation or fire damage, the wallpaper will likely need to be removed and replaced. When selecting new wallpaper for areas prone to smoke exposure (like kitchens or rooms with fireplaces), consider materials that are easier to clean and more resistant to smoke absorption. Additionally, installing smoke detectors and ensuring proper ventilation can help minimize the risk of smoke and fire damage.


Chemical Damage

Identifying Chemical Damage on Wallpaper

Chemical damage to wallpaper can occur due to accidental spills, harsh cleaning agents, or exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the environment. This type of damage is often characterized by discoloration, staining, or deterioration of the wallpaper material. It's important to recognize the signs of chemical damage early to prevent further degradation of the wallpaper.

Addressing and Preventing Chemical-Related Issues

For minor chemical stains, gentle cleaning with a mild, non-abrasive solution might help. However, in cases of severe chemical damage, such as large stains or compromised wallpaper integrity, replacement of the affected area may be necessary. To prevent future chemical damage, it's advisable to use wallpapers that are resistant to chemicals and to avoid using harsh cleaning products on wallpapered surfaces. In environments with potential chemical exposure, such as kitchens or industrial settings, selecting wallpapers specifically designed for high durability and chemical resistance can offer long-term protection.

Improper Installation or Removal

Common Issues with Wallpaper Installation

Improper installation of wallpaper can lead to several issues, such as bubbling, peeling, and misalignment. These problems often arise from inadequate surface preparation, incorrect adhesive application, or rushing the installation process. It's crucial to ensure that the wall surface is properly prepared, free of dust and debris, and that the right type of adhesive is used for the specific wallpaper material.

Best Practices for Wallpaper Removal

Removing wallpaper can be just as challenging as installing it. Incorrect removal techniques can damage the wall surface, leaving behind adhesive residue or even causing tears in the drywall. Utilizing the right tools, such as a wallpaper steamer or solvent, and gently scraping the wallpaper off can help prevent damage. It's also important to be patient and methodical during the removal process to ensure that the underlying wall remains intact and ready for new wallpaper or paint.


Natural Disasters

Impact of Natural Disasters on Wallpaper

Natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, and severe storms can cause significant damage to wallpaper. These events can lead to water damage, tearing, and complete detachment of wallpaper from walls. In such scenarios, the primary concern is often the structural integrity of the building, but the aesthetic and preservation aspects of wallpaper also need attention.

Strategies for Wallpaper Restoration Post-Disaster

After ensuring the safety and structural stability of the building, the next step is to assess the wallpaper damage. In many cases, especially with flooding or severe water exposure, the wallpaper will need to be completely removed and replaced. In less severe cases, such as minor water exposure or superficial damage, it might be possible to clean, dry, and repair the wallpaper.

Insect Infestation

Identifying and Addressing Insect Damage to Wallpaper

Insect infestations, particularly from pests like termites, silverfish, or certain types of beetles, can cause noticeable damage to wallpaper. This damage may manifest as small holes, gnawing marks, or even larger areas of missing paper, especially in older wallpapers that may be more susceptible. Identifying an infestation early is key to preventing extensive damage. Look for signs like visible insects, droppings, or unusual marks on the wallpaper.

Effective Solutions for Wallpaper Infested by Insects

Dealing with an insect infestation in wallpaper typically involves two main steps: eradicating the infestation and repairing or replacing the damaged wallpaper. Professional pest control services can effectively address the infestation, ensuring that the pests are completely removed. For the wallpaper, minor damage might be repairable with patches or touch-up painting, but extensive damage will likely require replacement of the affected sections or the entire wallpaper.


Renovation Accidents

Common Wallpaper Damages During Renovations

Renovation projects, while aimed at improving a space, can sometimes lead to accidental wallpaper damage. This damage can range from paint spills and splatters to tears or cuts caused by tools and equipment. Even the movement of large furniture or materials during the renovation process can inadvertently harm the wallpaper. Being aware of these risks is crucial, especially in spaces where preserving the existing wallpaper is a priority.

Strategies for Protecting Wallpaper During Renovations

To minimize the risk of wallpaper damage during renovations, it's advisable to cover and protect the walls, particularly in areas where work is being carried out. Using drop cloths, plastic sheeting, or even temporary wall coverings can provide a barrier against spills, splashes, and physical impacts. In cases where wallpaper is damaged, assess whether a simple touch-up or patch might suffice, or if more extensive repairs are needed.

Air Quality Issues

Effect of Poor Air Quality on Wallpaper

Wallpaper can be adversely affected by poor indoor air quality, which may be caused by pollutants, smoke, or excessive dust in the air. These airborne particles can adhere to the wallpaper, leading to discoloration, staining, or a general dulling of the design. In homes with smokers or in areas near industrial activities, the impact can be more pronounced, with wallpapers absorbing odors and becoming discolored over time.

Addressing Wallpaper Damage from Air Quality

Improving the air quality in your home or office is the first step in protecting your wallpaper. This can include increasing ventilation, using air purifiers, and regular cleaning to reduce airborne particles. For wallpapers that have already been affected, gentle cleaning with a soft, dry cloth can remove surface dust. In cases of significant staining or odor absorption, however, the wallpaper may need to be replaced. Choosing wallpapers made from materials that are less prone to absorbing pollutants can also be a proactive measure in spaces with known air quality issues.


Construction Defects

Wallpaper Damage Due to Building Issues

Construction defects, such as poor building practices or structural issues, can lead to wallpaper damage. This includes problems like settling or shifting of the building, which can cause wallpaper to crack, tear, or peel away from the walls. Additionally, issues like inadequate insulation or moisture barriers can lead to dampness or mold, further damaging the wallpaper.

Remediation and Prevention Strategies

Addressing wallpaper damage caused by construction defects often requires tackling the underlying structural issues first. This might involve consulting with construction experts or engineers to rectify the building defects. Once these are resolved, the damaged wallpaper can be repaired or replaced. In cases of new construction or renovation, ensuring that the building is constructed to high standards with proper moisture and insulation control can prevent such wallpaper damage in the future.

Facing a Unique Renovation Challenge?

We're here to bring your walls back to life!

More Than Wallpaper

It's not just wallpaper; it's your home. We understand the frustration that comes with damaged spaces. Our mission is not only to restore your walls but also to restore your peace of mind by taking the guesswork out of this highly specialized process.

Take the First Step with Confidence

Starting a renovation or restoring damaged wallpaper can be daunting, but you don't have to do it alone. At Fine Print, we've got your back. Our friendly team is ready to answer your questions and help you take the first step with confidence.

Ready to transform your walls? Call Us or Request an Estimate.


Real Stories, Real People


"Restoration Success in the Kitchen"

"During our kitchen renovation, we discovered we needed more of a discontinued Schumacher print to repair holes in the wall. Despite the pattern no longer being available and nearly opting for tiles, we stumbled upon Fine Print. Remarkably, Joseph and his team managed to reproduce the exact wallpaper down to the last detail, allowing us to re-paper the entire kitchen. We would not have been able to do this without their help and are truly grateful."

Regina F. from Columbus, Ohio


"Seamless Historical Wallpaper Reproduction"

"A roof leak had severely damaged our vintage 1922 wallpaper, and I was losing hope of ever matching it. Then, I found Fine Print. Right from our first call, Joseph coordinated with the design team, who was able to remove all the blemishes and cracks. We were so impressed that we ordered extra rolls for future repairs. Their ability to reproduce from such a deteriorated sample was nothing short of miraculous."

Jonathan D. from Austin, Texas


"Wallpaper Restoration Magic"

"I was amazed to learn that recreating discontinued wallpaper was even possible! Our bathroom's old wallpaper was a mess — mildewed, peeling, and with pieces missing. I thought it was a lost cause until I contacted Fine Print. They restored the wallpaper so well that we ended up redoing the entire wall, rather than just a spot fix. The whole process was smooth and straightforward, and it's like they waved a magic wand to bring our old wallpaper back to vibrant life."

Brendan R. from Nashville, Tennessee


"A New Era of Wallpaper"

"Initially planning only to touch up our living room, the samples from Fine Print changed our minds. Although the colors were not an exact match, the new shades enhanced our decor better than the original. We re-papered the entire room with their wallpapers. Thrilled with the outcome, we're impressed by the exceptional quality and service from Fine Print. Not only did the wallpaper look incredible, but they made the process fun and approachable."

Sylvia B. from Atlanta, Georgia

Frequently Asked Questions

General Recreation FAQs

Do I need an original wallpaper sample to recreate the design?

While we recommend an original sample, we can also recreate designs from photographs, making the process flexible for you.

What's the typical timeframe for wallpaper restoration in renovation projects?

The time frame varies based on complexity, but for basic restorations, it's 2-4 weeks. For more intricate work, it can range from 6-8 weeks.

What's the difference between a quick wallpaper fix and a more extensive restoration?

A quick fix typically addresses minor issues, while a restoration involves more in-depth work, especially on vintage and historic wallpapers. All of this depends on how complete, undamaged and clean youor samples are. Sometimes all our designers need to do is clean off dust or small blemishes and other times it's a radical reconstruction on a severely damaged piece.

The intricacy of detail and number of colors in your pattern will also play a significant role in determining the scope of your project.

Can you match my existing wallpaper precisely, even if it's damaged?

We strive for accurate matching, even if your existing wallpaper is damaged. There are cases where an exact match is not possible, but our goal is to replicate as closely as possible.

Wallpaper Samples FAQ

How do I send you the damaged wallpaper for assessment?

Send your sample via courier directly to our digital scanning facility. We will handle it with great care every step of the way, so you can rest assured that it will be returned to you safe and sound.

NOTE: All return deliveries will require a signature for drop off, so you will definitely need someone at your shipping address to receive the package. This is how we keep your samples secure during transit.

What if my wallpaper has metallic or textured elements that need restoration?

Our digital presses are CMYK and don't produce metallic, fluorescent or solid inks, although it can approximate most Pantone or Benjamin Moore colors (the non metallic libraries).

Sometimes metallic colors can also be emulated by regular ink, but it cannot achieve the same reflective sheen you would get from gold leaf, silver foil or copper inks, which are not compatible with the digital printing process. You will need a print shop that specializes in historic reproductions using more traditional methods like flocking, screen printing and hand painting.

I uncovered old wallpaper during renovation but don't have a complete sample. Can it be reproduced?

Yes, we can often recreate patterns from partial samples or photographs. Our creative team specializes in such projects. Send us a picture and we'll let you know just how much work is required to revive your old wallpaper.

Can you recreate patterns if only a portion of the wallpaper remains intact?

Indeed, our team can recreate patterns based on whatever remnants you have. We'll work to ensure a seamless and compatible final design.

There will be cases where so much of the pattern is missing that great creative license will be needed. This means the final result will look convincing and compatible with what you have ,but for obvious reasons is not a faithful 1-to-1 replication.

I want to replicate a wallpaper that's currently in print. Can this be done legally?

Yes, you can legally reproduce a wallpaper, but you need expressed written permission from the publisher or copyright owner.

Can I recreate a wallpaper solely from a photograph I found during remodeling?

Yes, you can recreate wallpaper from photographs. If the image quality is good, we can use it as a reference for reproduction. We can also do this with poor images, but the process becomes more time intensive and costly. The better your image, the less work we have to do to make it prinatble.

What if I want to update a vintage pattern to fit a modern aesthetic?

We can adapt vintage patterns to suit modern aesthetics, providing a fresh yet nostalgic look for your space. This is usually done by the adjustment or substitution of colors. Our creative team separates your colors into individual layers, allowing a great level of control over the hue, contrast and brightness of each color. You can even custom match parts of the design with your existing decor. Ask about our color matching services.

Can you provide a sample or prototype before starting the full restoration or reproduction project?

Yes, we offer sample and prototype options to ensure your satisfaction before proceeding with the full project. We can print your design on multiple materials for review. These will be charged based on timeframe and size of the requested sample.

Installation FAQs

Is the wallpaper material easy to work with for professional installers?

Our wallpapers are designed for professional installers, offering ease of handling and installation. Most installers are familiar with these materials.

What if my installer has questions about working with the wallpaper material?

If your installer has any questions or concerns, they can contact us directly. We're happy to assist with any guidance they may need.

Do you offer installation services? Can I request on-site assistance?

We are not installers or contractors. Our area of expertise is in digital recreation and printing of historic artwork and patterns. We are highly skilled precisely because we are so focused on it.

Are there specific recommendations for maintaining the wallpaper once it's installed?

The best protection you can offer your wallpaper is to ensure that the wall is structurally sound and free of water/moisture/mold before you even install it. Read all about it in our article: How to Prepare Surfaces for Wallpaper

Once installed, your wallpaper will require minimal maintenance. You can clean it with a wet rag and mild soap without any issues.

Insurance FAQs

Will my insurance policy cover the cost of wallpaper restoration during renovations?

Insurance policies regarding wallpaper restoration can vary. To know if your policy covers it, review your insurance documents or contact your provider.

What documentation do I need to provide to support an insurance claim for wallpaper damage?

Typically, you'll need photos of the damaged wallpaper, records of the damage cause, and any relevant estimates from restoration professionals.

How do I estimate the cost of wallpaper restoration or reproduction for my insurance claim?

Only a professional can estimate the cost of reproduction given so many variables, includng damage level, number of colors, intricacy of design, etc. Our project managers are quite skilled at assessing jobs just from looking at a photo, so your best bet is to send us a screenshot or mobile photo for immediate evaluation.

How long does it typically take for an insurance claim related to wallpaper restoration?

The processing time varies but typically takes several weeks to a few months.

What should I do if the initial insurance estimate doesn't cover the full restoration cost?

Discuss this with your insurer. They may reevaluate or adjust the estimate based on additional information. There are also ways to cut cost on production, which should be consulted on a case by case basis.

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*Closed Saturday & Sunday*

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Production Facility

Open Monday - Friday: 7:30AM - 3:30PM
*Closed Saturday & Sunday*

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